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​​Light & Temperature: You can grow this plant outside in an area that's protected from direct sunlight. In areas where the plant is not hardy, you can grow it as a houseplant or in a warm greenhouse. As an indoor plant, it prefers a location in low, indirect light, away from drafts.

Watering: Corn plant is drought-tolerant, but can display signs of dehydration if left without water for too long. Its foliage can appear withered and the area where the leaves attach to the cane can appear wrinkled. Additionally, cane rot can set in. Provide the plant with distilled water, once a week or as soon as the top 1 inch layer of soil is dry. Use a watering can or place the bottom of the pot in a water-filled tray so it can replenish itself. Avoid letting the plant soak for longer than two hours, because overwatering can result in root rot and spots on the new growth.

Care Tips: As corn plant grows it may need a larger pot to accommodate its roots. Re-pot the plant in spring when its new growth starts. Use a fresh, well-drained potting mix and select a pot with drainage holes that's at least 2 inches larger than the current pot. To maintain the plant's appearance, wipe accumulated dust from the foliage with soft damp cloth, and trim any brown leaf tips with scissors. If you prefer to keep your plant small, pull out the new growth that appears at the center of the plant

Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana," commonly known as Corn Plant can add a tropical feel to any home or garden. With yellow stripes down the center of its glossy green foliage, this shrub, or small tree, is commonly grown as an indoor plant. Corn plant is a member of the Agavaceae family and can grow 5 to 15 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide.



Plant Guide